the objective of exempting workers who receive up to five minimum wages (around R$6,000) during the 2023-2026 administration". Lula's plan is called "Guidelines for the Reconstruction and Transformation Program of Brazil" and is 21 pages long. In the PT representative's document, the focus of the reform is different: there is a clear relationship with boosting state action. In other words, the intention is to change taxes to create "an environment of tax justice and transparency in the definition and execution of public budgets, in order to guarantee the necessary expansion of public policies and investments that are fundamental for the resumption of economic growth.
The idea is to set up a simpler and more progressive tax structure, putting "the poor back on the budget and the super-rich paying taxes". The reform proposes to reduce consumption taxation, "preserving the financing of the welfare state", and will improve "taxation on international trade, progressively relieving products EX Mobile Phone Numbers with greater added value and embedded technology". When talking about IR, the focus is again on the rich. "We are going to make the very rich pay Income Tax, using the resources collected to invest intelligently in programs and projects with a high capacity to induce growth, promote equality and generate productivity gains.
The document also mentions the fight against tax evasion, aiming to "correct a mechanism that historically transfers income from the poorest layers to the highest-income layers." Ciro's plan is called "General Lines of the Government Program" and has 26 pages. As in Lula's document, the Pedestrian's document makes it clear that the fundamental goal of the reform is to finance public policies, maintaining fiscal balance and the sustainability of public accounts. The text has the merit of being the most transparent in terms of concrete measures. It preaches the reduction of subsidies and tax incentives by 20% in the first year of office, the recreation of tax on distributed profits and dividends (R$70 billion in revenue), taxation of large fortunes.