The charges considered the last five years”, the company's lawyer, José Fernando Cedeño de Barros, from the firm Guilherme Sant'anna Advogados Associados, told the newspaper. Time for retirement The Ministry of Social Security and the Superior Labor Court will send to the National Congress a draft law that changes the rules for counting contribution time and facilitates the granting of benefits to insured people who won cases in the Labor Court. The agreement will be signed this Tuesday (/) by ministers Luiz Marinho (Social Security) and Rider de Brito, president of the TST. Today, workers who file labor lawsuits to ask the INSS to recognize a certain period of contribution only achieve this if they attach documents to the labor proceedings that serve as evidence of material proof.
According to the agreement, there will be no need for material proof, as published by Folha de S. Paulo . VarigLog case The branch of Lloyds TSB Bank PLC, in Switzerland, confirmed the blocking Phone Number List of US$ million in VarigLog's account. The company is involved in a legal dispute between three Brazilian partners and the Matlin Patterson fund, whose majority shareholder is Lap Wai Chan. The news is from Gazeta Mercantil . Gun tax The Attorney General's Office is against the Direct Unconstitutionality Action proposed in the Federal Supreme Court against a resolution that sets the tax rate on the export of weapons and ammunition at %. For the PSL, which filed the lawsuit, such a high tax rate, instead of reducing tax evasion, encourages clandestine operations.
The PGR's position was expressed in an opinion sent to the Supreme Court, according to Valor . Toxic substances The pharmaceutical multinational Eli Lilly and ABL Antibiotics are accused by the Public Ministry of contaminating former employees with toxic substances and heavy metals. According to O Estado de S. Paulo , the Regional Labor Attorney's Office of Campinas filed a Public Civil Action in the nd Labor Court of Paulínia, requesting compensation of R$ million for collective moral damages. Military regime This Tuesday (/) in São Paulo, the Amnesty Commission of the Ministry of Justice will judge four requests for compensation from former prisoners and political persecutors of the military regime.