We continue numerous initiatives of the #Por NuestroMéxico movement, for example, the promotion of “Safe Table” joins the more than 6.5 million pesos donated by Grupo Modelo to the restaurant industry through gift cards in the Help a Restaurant initiative ,” said Cassiano De Stefano, President of Grupo Modelo. The 1,058 kits that Stella Artois will donate include face masks, antibacterial gel, signage and protective screens. In addition, the company makes the purchase of sanitation kits available to any business at a preferential price through Grupo Modelo and Stella Artois thus reaffirm their commitment to microentrepreneurs and their collaborators, to their allies in the value chain, to the economic development of the country and to the health of Mexicans.
The promotion of “Safe Table” joins the more than 20 initiatives such as Tiendita Segura, Negocio Seguro, Menu Digital and Academia de Meseros Modelo within the framework of the #Por NuestroMéxico movement.As part of the actions to support Mexican universities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Banco Guatemala Mobile Number List Santander, through Santander Universities, launched the “Santander Scholarships – ANUT” program, which will benefit 100,000 students, teachers and administrative offices of 120 Technological Universities throughout the country, which are part of the National Association of Technological Universities (ANUT). The objective of the Program is to contribute to the development.

Interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills in students, professors and administrators of the Technological Universities, through access to online courses created in conjunction with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES), the Higher Education Foundation-AC Company (FESE) and TrepCamp. Arturo Cherbowski Lask, Executive Director of Santander Universities and General Director of Universia México, commented: “today more than ever we reiterate our commitment to continue supporting universities and their university communities, which is why we are reinforcing our scholarship programs, taking advantage of the technology, so that students, teachers and administrators can complement their preparation, with a view to what the current and future context is marking for us.