And I think that is absolutely game changing.Andrew Lionis: Absolutely, Peter and, and the thing is, to have that silver bullet soon where you press a button, you prompt it, and it gives you the data, whether it’s Microsoft Office, you mentioned Adobe, all of the big tech companies, Salesforce, et cetera, et cetera, they’re all on it. So it’s a good way just to add that velocity that you need to drive more value for your clients or for your own job internally on the brand side.
[00:26:24] Pete Housley: What is the expectation of yourself and your Denmark WhatsApp Number Data team in terms of using the like, are there mandates, is there workflow? Like, I just kind of wanna understand your business model, your ethos, your workflow around ai. [00:26:38] Andrew Lionis: So we’ve adopted an AI-first approach to our marketing strategy for all of our clients. We start with AI, we don’t end with AI. I think one of the things that is still important is supervision of AI.
So what we always do as part of our agency work is we start with AI. Let’s see what it gives us back. We typically have, and this is something that is part of our ethos and the way that we work with our processes, we always send it back. So if you’ve ever watched Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsey, he sends it back. It doesn’t matter how good it is. So we do the same thing.