Those talents who had to be laid off due to the crisis (or who went to other companies that could offer them better economic and working conditions), those who have specialized skills or those who previously held vital positions within the organization, even if companies were forced to do without them. Other companies, even more progressive, are rehiring early-retired employees as external consultants to be able to count on their experience and knowledge.
If we press further, it is being verified how in the groups created on Linkedin of former employees from certain sectors they are seeing how their profiles are selected to become part of their former companies again. These former moible number data colleagues have kept in touch during the time "absent" of the former workers, so they continue to be aware of the company from which they came. What are the objective reasons for the rehiring trend.

By rehiring an old worker, the company avoids that adaptation period for all new employees. These people already know the company, its philosophy, the products, the sales strategies, the strengths and weaknesses, so the company achieves significant savings in the time dedicated to the preparation and adaptation of the worker. It also means savings in specific preparation, avoiding expenses in courses, time in the acquisition of knowledge, etc.