Therefore, when there is finally a firm Executive, it is not ruled out that, regardless of the color of the parties that form it, a new revaluation will end up being approved. Read more: Negotiations for an investiture start from scratch: Sánchez's challenges to achieve the Government before September 23 Meanwhile, civil servants' salaries would remain frozen. In 2019, they have revalued by 2.5% An official places a file cabinet on a shelf Likewise, without a fully capable Government, improvements in public salaries that could counteract the effect of inflation cannot be negotiated or implemented .
Meanwhile, in June, the acting Executive confirmed to the unions that it would apply the additional increase of 0.25% to the salary of civil servants starting with the July payroll, bringing the total increase during Thus, the decree agreed upon with the social agents and approved by the Council of Ministers determined that the increase in civil servants' salaries would be at least linking 0.25% to the evolution Middle East Phone Number List of GDP and another 0.25 % from additional funds, which was not applied given that GDP did not reach the 2.5% growth stipulated in the text. The increase in the salary of public employees was agreed in 2018 by the unions and the PP , but the PSOE promised to approve it when taking office after the motion of censure. Now the situation is much more uncertain.

This table reveals the salaries that officials will receive in 2019, according to their category Without a spending ceiling or budgets, the IPREM would not be updated and with it, neither would the unemployment benefit and the scholarships, aid and subsidies granted by the State. A group of unemployed people queue in front of an employment office Because the General State Budget project for 2019 agreed upon by PSOE and Podemos in the last legislature did not obtain the support of more parties and was rejected by Congress , the reference index used to calculate aid, benefits and scholarships of the State has remained frozen.