Make them complex. 10 letters, numbers and symbols. A password manager application can help you keep your passwords locked down. Keep your software updated This is especially important with your operating system and Internet security software. Cybercriminals often use known exploits or flaws in your software to gain access to your system. Addressing those exploits and vulnerabilities can reduce the likelihood that you will become a cybercrime target. Manage your social media settings Keep your personal and private information private. Social Engineering Cybercriminals can often obtain your personal information with just a few data points.
So the less you share publicly, the better. For example, if you post your pet's name or reveal your mother's maiden name, you can reveal the answers to two common security questions. Strengthen your home network It's a good idea to start with a strong encryption Denmark Phone Number Data password as well as a virtual private network. A VPN will encrypt all traffic leaving your devices until it reaches your destination. If cybercriminals manage to hack your communication line, they do not write anything except encrypt the data. It's a good idea to use a VPN whenever you're on a public Wi-Fi network, whether it's a library, café, hotel, or airport.
Talk to your kids about the Internet You can teach your children about acceptable use of the Internet without closing communication channels. Make sure they know they can come to you if they are experiencing any kind of online harassment, stalking or bullying. Keep an eye on major security breaches If you do business with a merchant or have an account on a website that is affected by a security breach, find out what information the hackers accessed and change your password immediately. Take steps to help protect yourself against identity theft Identity theft occurs when someone wrongly obtains your personal data in a way that involves fraud or deception, usually for financial gain. How? For example, you may be tricked into giving out personal information on the Internet, or a thief may steal your mail to access account information.