Voting, elections, vote The 1986 general elections were held for the first time on a Sunday, specifically on June 26 of that year. Since then, election Sunday has become an identifying mark of the Spanish elections. The 1986 elections were characterized by having made it easier for Spaniards living abroad to vote in the electoral processes of our country. Envelope with ballots to be able to vote by mail. Envelope with ballots to be able to vote by mail. Organic Law 5/1985, of June 19 , of the General Electoral Regime allowed for the establishment of mechanisms to facilitate Spaniards who permanently reside abroad to vote in electoral processes held in Spain .
Thus it was established that the consulates had to update and process the registrations and cancellations of Spaniards living in their areas. Furthermore, starting in 1995, the registration of all Spaniards in the census, both in Spain and abroad, became an obligation for the Administration. Felipe González volvía a ser elegido presidente del Gobierno en las elecciones de 1989. La segunda SW Business Directory fuerza política era un refundado PP con José María Aznar como candidato Felipe González identifies himself before the members of the electoral table, before casting his vote in the legislative elections. Felipe González se identifica ante los miembros de la mesa electoral, antes de depositar su voto en las elecciones legislativas de .
Los españoles que siguieron los resultados de aquellos comicios por televisión lo hicieron en los canales públicos. Las primeras emisiones de cadenas privadas no llegaban a España hasta 1990 child television En 1993 Felipe Gónzalez volvía a ganar las elecciones. A pesar de ello, los votos de los españoles posicionaron ya al PP como uno de los dos grandes partidos del país Felipe González in the 1993 elections. Felipe González en las elecciones de 1993.Enrique Shore/Reuters En 1996 los españoles decidían acabar con los 14 años en el gobierno de Felipe González y entregaban el poder a la derecha con la victoria del PP PP voters celebrating 1996 elections Aunque el Partido Popular no obtenía mayoría absoluta en los comicios, y solo 15 escaños lo colocaban por encima del PSOE.