From such a resource. We have already noted in other texts that chemical dependency can and, in many cases, should be treated on an outpatient basis (without hospitalization), with a multidisciplinary team and family guidance. Each case is unique however, all it takes is a few calls to institutions that purport to treat chemical dependency to see that most of them only offer inpatient treatment. But there is something even worse than this issue, it is the fact that all cases are considered as if they were equal, so from this perspective, all suggested treatments will also be equal. An example are institutions that offer six months of hospitalization for drug addicts, without first carrying out a good assessment of the patient to diagnose whether it really is a case of hospitalization or not. An initial distinction that the professional needs to make when, for example.
A family member gets in touch, is between the family's demand and the patient's real need. Family and patient guidance often the family wants something that they assume is better for the family member, but without the obligation to really know how to evaluate the situation, they can often get their point of view wrong. And that is precisely Country Email List why professionals and specialties exist to guide their patients. The second point is the need to consider the eleven diagnostic criteria pre-established by the dsm-5, to assess whether chemical dependency is present in the individual or not. The third aspect is to consider how many of these criteria are present in this person, as this will indicate whether it is a mild, moderate or severe dependence.
Expert assessment only based on these considerations carried out by a qualified professional will we identify whether the patient is eligible for treatment with or without hospitalization. If the patient is eligible for treatment with hospitalization, it is up to the specialist to assess the severity of the condition and indicate the period necessary for its duration. . In other words, we understand that even in the face of the similarities that chemical dependency obviously presents, there is always the individuality of the person, history, family and culture. And this can never be neglected, as only then can we understand the peculiarities of the manifestation of the disease in each subject and, therefore, each treatment need. We need to sympathize with the idea that chemical dependency treatment is not synonymous with hospitalization, to understand the differences in each case.