Anyone who thinks that the texts should be placed prominently in the middle because they are so good has never heard of conversion optimization. Mind you, this example is about a shop and the products should be the focus there. Food for the bots In most cases you don't have enough money or you simply don't see the need to have a separate report written for each category. Nevertheless: Better than no text at all is a text with the appropriate keywords! I only know of well-ranking shops on Amazon that consistently avoid such descriptions. Advantages of category texts There are two big advantages of category texts: You create additional relevance for the keyword.
Often the content around it (sidebar / menu / footer) is too general, so that the bot cannot India Car Owner Phone Number List determine the exact topic of the landing page You get (more) unique content on the category page. Often the category text is the only unique content on the URL (Evolutionary) types of category texts One can speak of an evolution in the category texts, as the following species can be seen in the wild. Category text Category text with headings and subheadings Category text with headings and subheadings and bold or italics Category text with headings and subheadings and bold or italics and appropriate, topic-relevant internal links.
Category text with headings and subheadings and bold or italics and appropriate, topic-relevant internal linking, semantically (or WDF*IDF) optimized Category text with headings and subheadings and bold or italics and appropriate, topic-relevant internal linking, semantically optimized (WDF*IDF) AND useful for the user Based on gut feeling and experience, I would say that points 1-4 have very little influence on the ranking. Nevertheless, you can also take these small percentage points with you. but also usually occurs with the other four. And point six is so rare in the wild that it's hard to draw any conclusions. Just this: Anyone who puts this much effort into their texts usually also does the same with the rest of the shop - which is why the rankings are often very good.