When you outsource your marketing, especially if you find a good partner, you get to just focus on whatever your company really does as the marketing portion can be entrusted to someone else. That is also why in finding an agency, it’s integral that you know how to find a good one. about outsourcing your marketing instead of building one in-house is that you get access to a team of experts at potentially a fraction of the cost. As I mentioned earlier, marketing isn’t a one-time thing. And it certainly isn’t a one-person endeavor. Hiring an agency means you get writers, developers, designers, and researchers—basically, an entire team of people who live and breathe marketing—to do the work for you while you focus on other things.
For example, here’s our team. More resources for lower costs Like I said earlier, I will be mentioning costs a couple of times in this post. As you get an entire team when you hire an agency, you also get their resources to be used for your benefit. Now, some CY Lists will say that hiring an agency is expensive. It really depends on how you see it and if you do have a workable budget. For example, our SEO services package costs $2,500 to $5,500 per month, with a 12 months lock-in. Yes, that is expensive, but take a look at what’s in the package: Site analysis Keyword research Blog setup Quality SEO copywriting Link building On-page optimization Paid directory listing Google Analytics reports Guest posting Monthly reports And those are just the headers.
For example, check out the “Quality SEO copywriting header.” Quality SEO copywriting Here is the “On-page optimization” header: On-page optimization As you can see, they involve a lot of work, and they involve their own tools and resources to be done right as well. So, yes, it seems expensive, but that’s because there’s an entire team composed of people with various specialties that is working for you. Imagine if you have to hire people to do all these things, especially if the core function of your business is far from marketing.